Author: <span>Beth Hendrickson</span>

Hope is often unhappy. Like the hope that surfaced at my bedside at 4:30 am.  It was a choral hope in the form of two pajamaed bodies singing in unison,…

Parenting Thoughts and Musings

Dear Immediate Family Members of Mine, Perhaps I’ve forgotten to tell you lately that I adore you.  I dote on you, to use a word learned from our spelling test…


Little C simply does not know what a whisper is.  She thinks it’s yelling…with your lips mostly pursed.  This definition makes for some interesting interactions at church, library, post office,…

Intentional Living

I took a crash course in drawing from the National Gallery of Art this weekend, crash being the operative word, as in “Crash and Burn.” At least, my output has the…

Intentional Living

I am surrounded by a silence that can only occur when I am not responsible for another breathing member of the house. A silence that I fill by folding my…

Intentional Living Memories


Joy is a lodestone in the pit of my stomach. That’s not a word I use or think about much–lodestone–unearthed from ancient English roots that have clumps of fairy and sea monster…

Intentional Living