Author: <span>Beth Hendrickson</span>

I love to anticipate. It’s the thrill of planning  a vacation, mentally packing outfits, mentally sight-seeing, mentally relaxing over chargrilled burgers. It’s the thrill of picking the next good book.…

Five Minute Fridays

  Hankerd Inn | Michigan Sunset | Cascade Falls Park, Jackson, MI | Michigan countryside You know how some summer weekends manage to pack in enough of that sunrise-mosquito bites-good food-good…

Intentional Living Wanderings and Travel

I’m a reading addict.  It’s an affliction that became evident early in my life (I spent virtually all of my childhood summers camped on the couch for hoooooooours with a three-foot…

Kids and Treasures

He’s the designated spider-killer, steak-griller, water-bottle-in-the-middle-of-the-night-filler. His tickles elicit the deepest belly laughs, his waffles warrant licked-clean plates, and his arrival home at the end of the day draws children…


“My shoe touched a poison mushroom and my hand touched my shoe and I put my finger in my mouth.”  Her eyes are pinched.  Her face pale.  She sucks on…

Five Minute Fridays

  So here’s my philosophy on a summer bucket list:  it’s meant for inspiration, NOT guilt trips.  Which means, I fully intend to leave boxes unticked by the end of summer.…

Intentional Living