Author: <span>Beth Hendrickson</span>

There’s a general rout in our house the minute Big Friend walks in the door at the end of the day.  He arrives, work bag in hand, tall and steady…


I caught a glimpse of the moon last night.  It was a sickle moon but it curved in the direction that’s never chosen for a child’s drawing of the moon.…

Five Minute Fridays

You’d think after ten years of living life alongside one another, we’d have more pictures of ourselves alongside one another.  The fact of the matter is, we have lots of…

Five Minute Fridays Memories

Mothers imagine too.  Sure, kids get the reputation as the best imaginers because of their “she’s soooo cute” ability to pretend a goldfish cracker has feelings and roses bought for…

Five Minute Fridays

It’s a tantalizing time of year:  The sound of lawnmowers and DIY home project hammers.  The scorch of play ground swings on wee bums.  The scraps of sun filtering through…

Memories Thoughts and Musings

I’ve discovered this totally awesome thing about dirt: it doesn’t age.  Better yet, most of it doesn’t mold, spoil, or flit away on other errands.  Once it lands someplace, it…

Intentional Living Motherhood