“Mama, I think you are the best mommy in the whole world.” Oh, I just want to grab those words and carry them around in my pocket for, like, the…
Author: <span>Beth Hendrickson</span>
We’re suspicious Little One might be a slug. Everywhere she goes, she leaves a swath of slime trailing in her wake. Part drooling from a seemingly never-ending teething season and…
Fridays bring the writing delight of Lisa Jo Baker’s 5-Minute Friday writing challenge: one topic, five minutes of unedited writing, and a big community of writers cheering one another on.…
It doesn’t take much to remind me how much I love books: this week it was a dinner comprised of scrumptious Ina Garten dishes, a good glass of wine, some…
So I’m super, duper good at full steam ahead onslaughts to the finish line. I know when I get that determined, wild-eyed, crazy woman attitude because Big Friend visibly cringes,…
What to say in the face of a tragedy that explodes like some heinous tinsel-wrapped bomb in our lives? When the best we can all hope for is a shared…