Author: <span>Beth Hendrickson</span>

Memories Motherhood

Thoughts and Musings

Little Friend’s been in a Christmas tizzy for a number of weeks now.  Back on October 1, she composed her first Christmas gift wish list: “1 chocolate in wrapping paper.…

Kids and Treasures

Dear Little One, You’ve sprung some leaks.  I’m not talking about the obvious leaks, although you’ve had those in rainbow colors of yellow, orange, brown, and green since starting solid…

Memories Motherhood

Five Minute Fridays Intentional Living Thoughts and Musings

At first, I think, “I want quiet.” This may be because I heard a chirping beside my bed at 6:45 am.  Then two beady little eyes popped above the bassinet…

Five Minute Fridays Intentional Living