Author: <span>Beth Hendrickson</span>

It’s big girl room time.  Now, those words can be read quickly, with barely a passing glance.  They can be read sing-song, like traipsing through a field of daisies.  Or…

Thoughts and Musings

When we were little, you could tell our personalities apart by our hair styles.  Mine: long and straight from four years old until, well, now.  Hers: Short today, long tomorrow.…

Kids and Treasures Thoughts and Musings

“And one does one do on the Fourteenth of July?  Does one celebrate Bastille Day?”  These are the opening lines from my favorite David Sedaris essay, “Jesus Shaves.”  As a…

Thoughts and Musings

I have post-summer-camp-itis.  It’s that dis-ease that settles in once sleep finally revisits your eyelids, your bags are unpacked, musty clothes shuttled to (but not necessarily back from) the laundry,…

Thoughts and Musings Wanderings and Travel

Thoughts and Musings

Cousin Camp, Day Three of shunning the laundry detergent.  Here’s how we’re doing: My sister and I once upon three years ago traded maternity clothes.  For a couple of months,…

Thoughts and Musings