Author: <span>Beth Hendrickson</span>

Certain things you expect to learn when you become a parent: changing diapers, folding onesies, bulking up the college savings. Then along comes a Snowgirl. Not to be confused with…

Thoughts and Musings

It’s been one of those weeks, people.  The kind where Australia looks like a really good bet, but then your mother reminds you, oh so lovingly, that terrible, horrible, no…

Kids and Treasures

Kids and Treasures Thoughts and Musings

It took me all of one mimosa to convert into a brunch snob.  There I was, the country mouse in the big city, a college girl venturing into the edgy,…

Recipes and Fare

1.  The rules are changing quickly around here.  I know I’m supposed to be keeping up, but I swear just yesterday I learned that orange runny poop was a-ok for…

Recipes and Fare Thoughts and Musings

I’m convinced some angels are sitting around in halos and white gowns noshing on these buttermilk buckwheat pancakes.  I imagine the angelic second course would be a luscious béchamel sauce…

Recipes and Fare