Author: <span>Beth Hendrickson</span>

Little Friend has officially discovered photographs.  She alternately carries around and loses a wallet print of Big Friend and I mugging for the camera at our wedding.  She screeches “Daaaa”…

Kids and Treasures

There.  I said it.  I am a runner.  I really have a hard time getting that sentence out.  I was the high school girl who spent more time nursing her…

Thoughts and Musings


{Today’s post is the first in a two-part series.  I’ve recently become a veritable card-carrying member of the Real Food revolution—think local, farm fresh foods prepared in traditional methods—and want…

Kids and Treasures Wanderings and Travel

So I get this magazine, and I immediately pour over it.  I mean POUR over it.  Mug of tea in one hand and my eyes roving over each article, photo,…

Kids and Treasures

Thoughts and Musings