Author: <span>Beth Hendrickson</span>

Summer is officially over.  Not because I developed my first case of popsicle toes while snuggled in bed last night (much to Big Friend’s chagrin).  Not because maple whirli-gigs have…

Kids and Treasures

Pre-eclampsia I sat with clasped hands in the passenger seat, watching but not seeing the buzz-cut hills along Interstate 279 slip off of the front windshield.  My legs were shaking…

Thoughts and Musings

First movement: The Salad. Slices of new potatoes lurked under the heirloom tomatoes and haricot verts, waiting to add the final timpani roll to the salad symphony.   Dubbed a…

Wanderings and Travel

My prayers last night included a special shout out to Lauri Toys for the incomparable, parental face-saving grace packaged compactly and advertised as the unassuming “Toddler Tote.”  You may remember…

Kids and Treasures

On Sunday, August 29, 2010 Outside my window…Oleander blossoms, prickly pear fruit clusters, palm trees shedding skin and branches into the street, clouds mustering forces into thunderhead battalions, a punishing…

Thoughts and Musings

Back in 2008, Big Friend and I indulged in that ultimate luxury of vacations pre-baby: the Babymoon.  Seriously, whoever came up with this whole Babymoon concept, Bless You!  Since I’m…

Kids and Treasures