Author: <span>Beth Hendrickson</span>

6:47 am.  Sister-giggles crack the night into morning. 7:06 am.  A suspect flees the scene.  A victim’s cries echo throughout the house. 7:08 am.  Whining court commences with dad as…

Five Minute Fridays Intentional Living

Today was supposed to have a super-burst of oxygenation, thanks to a trip to Phipps Botanical Conservatory.  I’ve been looking forward to my antioxidant cocktail of orchid scents and fern gullies, but…

Five Minute Fridays

It’s become my go-to statement when I need an ice breaker at a party: “We have a house bunny for a pet.”  What is a totally normal fact in our family…

Five Minute Fridays

It’s 6:52 am and I watch the college student in orange parka and backpack walk to the fluorescent-lit corner bus stop and I watch the Pittsburgh Port Authority bus arrive with lights blazing…

Five Minute Fridays Thoughts and Musings

If you’re reading this post, I’ve caught you. You’re a reader. You can’t help yourself. You read the back of cereal boxes.  The bottom of Kleenex boxes while on the…

Thoughts Thoughts and Musings

“I was born first.” Written in words like this, the statement can be a simple true or false statement.  Either you were, or you were not, born before someone else.…

Thoughts and Musings