I still have five point harness car seats in my life. This is how I console myself when my three-year-old who wears five-year-old clothing crawls into my arms, and I…
Author: <span>Beth Hendrickson</span>
I never thought I’d fall in love with a green pumpkin. It’s probably technically a gourd, but that word sounds like a contender for Top 10 Vegetable Insults, so I’m…
What happens to the moments in life when I’m almost ready? Almost, but not quite there yet. The moment when the eyes spark with soul and the smile tweaks baby cheeks on…
I made a terrible suggestion the other day. A suggestion that caused immediate tears. Shrieking. The sounds of someone’s eyeball being slowly gouged out by a dull pencil. I suggested…
My favorite spot of sea is brackish brown, not the topaz splendor of the Mediterranean or Caribbean. My sea laps with waves dyed brown from tannins, as though those waves…
Hope is often unhappy. Like the hope that surfaced at my bedside at 4:30 am. It was a choral hope in the form of two pajamaed bodies singing in unison,…