Category: <span>Kids and Treasures</span>

I carried a warm bundle up the stairs last night, negotiating creaking steps carefully in the dark.  From the kitchen, I could hear the gentle swoosh of the dishwasher, and,…

Kids and Treasures Thoughts and Musings

A favorite childhood memory: grab a book from the Christmas stack (this was before DVDs), snuggle in a blanket (this was before Snuggies), and while away snowy hours in front…

Kids and Treasures

It must have been a gritty test of fate, standing by the shores of the lake, noon sun pulling sweat from pores, thousands of grumpy dads, tired moms, restless kids.…

Kids and Treasures

  Dear Santa, Allow me to apologize for the illegible letter you’ve received in your North Pole fan mail pile.  The other day, Little Friend sat down at Macy’s “write…

Kids and Treasures

It’s high time I introduce you to a good friend of mine: The Recession Cookbook.  One of my favorite foodie blogs, The Recession Cookbook comes from a tiny New York…

Kids and Treasures

Things I like about technology: instant recipe recall anytime anywhere, driving directions on my phone (no impertinent map to re-fold), ready answers on how many teaspoons are in a packet…

Kids and Treasures