Category: <span>Memories</span>

Tank of gas: $46 Turnpike tolls: $13 Admission to botanical gardens: $48 Lunch: $26 Do we remember these price tags?  For all the time spent tallying up the costs of…

Intentional Living Memories

We see it first accumulate far across the marsh where the bright green spartina grasses get bisected by a harsher muddy green of live oaks and pines.  We see it…

Memories Thoughts

Two of my favorite smells are purple.  1.  The lilacs from my family’s tree-sized shrub, lilacs that I gathered by the armful, hacking away at woody stems to harvest the smell…


October 4 | Embrace We wait in the school pick up line for the chimes to signal the end of the elementary school day.  We wait for vibrant bodies to spill…

Memories Thoughts and Musings

Al fresco dining at Pusadee’s Garden | Teas and Scones at Anchor and Anvil | Farmer’s market apples | Coffee date at 21st Street Coffee September, you sneaky month you.…


Pittsburgh at end of summer | Carnegie Museum of Art | Carnegie Museum of Natural History | Troy Hill Splash Park Kids’ hands cycled through my own like an animated…

Intentional Living Memories