Category: <span>Thoughts</span>

 Country field in Williamsport, PA | Cousins eating at Eder’s Ice Cream | Pour-over brazilian brew from Alabaster Coffee | Hike to Jacoby Falls | Summer shampoo/conditioner bar favorite from Bathvs…


Kids and Treasures Thoughts

Kids and Treasures Thoughts

It was a sunset rainbow.  Cast in pinks and blues and stretching shyly above an outdoor stage of toe-tapping ballerinas and a black fringe of forest beyond.  Little Friend considered…


Do you remember today when you announced that you no longer care for Jack and Jill’s story due to their unfortunate spill down the hill? Remember when you face-planted-stomach-slid in…

Kids and Treasures Thoughts

How do I tell her that when she knits her brow in frustration, her eyebrows drawing together as though snagged on the bobbin teeth of a sewing machine, that she…
