Category: <span>Thoughts</span>

Twas much, that man was made like God before, But that God should be like man much more {John Donne,  1572-1631}


Two is such a simple concept. Two index finger stuck side by side, just under the pouting bow of a lower lip.  Two parents hovering over the edge of a…


If you’re a dedicated Belle Squeaks reader (Hi, Mom), you’ve noticed a drop off in posts the last few weeks.  First came the travel excuse: far from home with limited…


    Top two highlights of my life so far: my wedding and birth of child.  (Notice I specifically did not write “childbirth.”  No.  {Shudder.}  That cannot be considered a…



I am a liberated woman.  The kid has been dropped off at her grandparent’s house for the weekend.  I’m sitting on a bus (not Greyhound but the smallish, whitish variety…
