We’re suspicious Little One might be a slug. Everywhere she goes, she leaves a swath of slime trailing in her wake. Part drooling from a seemingly never-ending teething season and part snotting from a seemingly never-ending cold season. It’s particularly cute when she raises an irritated fist to her nose to scrub away at the sludge and then rakes the gel into her hair, eyebrows, or eyelashes. Cute crusties. That’s how you know you’re a parent. You look at your little snot and drool crusted one and your heart actually melts a bit.
Favorite food: mashed banana with coconut cream and cinnamon
Second most favorite food: cat food
Least favorite food: green beans
Favorite toy: Montessori rattle
Favorite non-toy: electrical cords
Favorite activity: crawling over to pull herself on something or someone
Least favorite activity: getting her nose saline and sucked
Favorite weird activity: hanging upside down by her feet
Cutest activity: patting your back when you hold her
Number of teeth: two lower with two uppers on their way
Number of naps: two
Number of self-inflicted bumps and bangs: too numerous to count
Secret identity: Cora the Explorer
Thoughts on baths: most awesome time of the day
Thoughts on being wiped up after a meal: most wretched time of the day
Things that have gone in her mouth that shouldn’t have: dishwasher plug, electrical cords, markers, envelopes, cat food
Cutest noise: a bird-like gurgle that means something along the lines of “I’m pretty, pretty, happy right about now.”
Cutest action: wiggles whole body and dips head over to the side when particularly excited
Likes: songs, books, people’s faces, being thrown up in the air, Little Friend
She’s so beautiful, like a perfect little baby doll. You are blessed. Gorgeous photos too.
Love, love, love, love, LOVE this precious child