Paper Doll Tales Posts

We are Queens of Where the Wild Ocean Things are. We march on the waves, and they dare not touch our toes as we jump, leap, and squeal over them. We…

Intentional Living Memories

There’s the white gardenia that I almost brushed by unseeing as I walked with nose up in the air seeking butterflies. There’s Gary the Teddy parked on Little C’s pillow…

Intentional Living

To get my girl to glow, give her a compliment, in front of other people, and go overboard with the gushing praise.  This may also get my introvert girl to…


Tank of gas: $46 Turnpike tolls: $13 Admission to botanical gardens: $48 Lunch: $26 Do we remember these price tags?  For all the time spent tallying up the costs of…

Intentional Living Memories

I almost cried in the French bakery today.  This happened after I actually cried earlier this week over a spider.  A big hairy one.  Crawling out of my apron pocket.…

Intentional Living

I know two things about chipmunks.  One, they allegedly store (squirrel away?, a verb, compliments of their cousin rodents) acorns for winter.  Two, I do not know if the chipmunks…

Five Minute Fridays