Tag: <span>childhood</span>

“One night, in a phosphorescent sea, he marveled at the sight of some whale spouting luminous water; and later lying on the deck of his boat gazing at the immense,…

Intentional Living Kids and Treasures Memories

My eight-year-old daughter C asks the most annoying question: “Wait, what?” She asks it in that way that only a frustrated eight-year-old, youngest of the family, can as she navigates…

Intentional Living Thoughts and Musings

When the first note–the wrong note–soared out of her violin, I stopped breathing.  She stood in front of the audience of strangers, of other children fingering violins, guitars, and piano music, and…

Intentional Living Memories Motherhood Parenting Thoughts and Musings

It’s 6:52 am and I watch the college student in orange parka and backpack walk to the fluorescent-lit corner bus stop and I watch the Pittsburgh Port Authority bus arrive with lights blazing…

Five Minute Fridays Thoughts and Musings

The day after Thanksgiving, those Parisians leaned tee-pees of wrapped Christmas trees against street corner newspaper stands, grocery market entrances, charcuterie doors, patisserie awnings.  Christmas had arrived in Paris.  Christmas…


“Santa is dead.”  Miss C drops this bomb at gymnastics class.  10 other eye balls and 5 mouths go all perfect spheres. “Well.  Then, who brings the presents on Christmas?” This, from…

Kids and Treasures Memories