Tag: <span>children</span>

The dollar bill left as the waitress’s tip changed everything. It was a single dollar.  The waitress earned every penny of it.  She brought out a custom dessert, sent me…


Memories Thoughts and Musings

The list of ideas I have for blog posts is log jamming while I’m looking for the time–it must be here somewhere, surely–to sit and write.  Perhaps this just isn’t…


I’ve discovered this totally awesome thing about dirt: it doesn’t age.  Better yet, most of it doesn’t mold, spoil, or flit away on other errands.  Once it lands someplace, it…

Intentional Living Motherhood

7:17 am: You wake up.  Unlike most mornings when you replace the monitor static with coos and chortles and yelps, you cry.  Overtired from an Easter weekend away from home,…

Memories Parenting

Remember when your hair stood in a mohawk fringe after being raked through with a handful of hummus? Remember how you chortle with a conquerer’s joy when you climb into…

Five Minute Fridays Kids and Treasures