Tag: <span>children</span>

Intentional Living

  I think about this quotation after having spent the morning picking up all of the contents of my make up bag, which, having been discovered, rummaged through, and played…


I sat in front of my computer last night with iPhoto open and scrolling.  This is a bad idea.  Bad idea for a mama with a cold and lack of…

Five Minute Fridays

Things I remember from my grandparents’ house: the faint smoky whiff of the fireplace, my grandfather’s large leather recliner (much coveted in his absence and quickly vacated as soon as…

Thoughts and Musings

It’s not lost on me that Little Friend is a little less than Little these days. Let’s be honest. Body snatchers visited on the night of April 25th, whisked away…

Thoughts and Musings

There are just a few wisps of baby cocoon clinging to Little Friend’s rapidly spreading pre-schooler wings.  The other day, Big Friend and I realized that another sizable chunk of…

Kids and Treasures Thoughts and Musings