Tag: <span>love</span>

6:47 am.  Sister-giggles crack the night into morning. 7:06 am.  A suspect flees the scene.  A victim’s cries echo throughout the house. 7:08 am.  Whining court commences with dad as…

Five Minute Fridays Intentional Living

“Hey.  Mama.  What kind of face am I making?” I look over to see eyes frozen wide and mouth gaping in a petrified grin.  It’s her excited face reserved for…

Kids and Treasures

Two of my favorite smells are purple.  1.  The lilacs from my family’s tree-sized shrub, lilacs that I gathered by the armful, hacking away at woody stems to harvest the smell…


October 7 | Love I have become a member of a tribe.  A tribe I never knew existed in the sub-culture of motherhood, but now I am a full-blooded, card-carrying…

Intentional Living

October 4 | Embrace We wait in the school pick up line for the chimes to signal the end of the elementary school day.  We wait for vibrant bodies to spill…

Memories Thoughts and Musings

My children are funhouse mirror versions of one another.  Same, but different.  But same enough to make the differences seem distorted and unexpected.  From four months old, both girls have sucked…

Five Minute Fridays