Tag: <span>parenting</span>

Memories Motherhood

Smooky books, smooky stories, smooky movies.  That’s Little Friend’s current request: things that spook (or smook), scare, and go bump in the night.  This same little girl who feels it…

Kids and Treasures Memories Motherhood

Little Friend lifted her foot to the level of her hip and pistoned it back down to the floor.  Repeatedly.  I could have planted rows of corn in the furrows…

Memories Motherhood

If I knew I could hit a baby to make it stop crying in the middle of the night like I hit the snooze button on my alarm, chances are…


Motherhood Parenting

I’ll refrain from saying “I told you so.”  When we opted to wait until the delivery room to discover Little One’s gender, we were met with a variety of reactions,…

Kids and Treasures Thoughts and Musings