There’s nothing that requires patience quite like a kid four-years-old or under with shoelaces. Is it only my kid who insists on wearing her running shoes everywhere for every occasion…
Tag: <span>write 31 days</span>
We see it first accumulate far across the marsh where the bright green spartina grasses get bisected by a harsher muddy green of live oaks and pines. We see it…
I’m in on a secret with all other musicians who have ever aspired to play Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. You know, the one we all know from the “Dum-Dum-Dum-Duuuuuummmm” notes that…
When someone speaks the words “Courage” and “Conviction” into the box of a theater, those words scare. Those words boom out all capitalized. Those words capture and amplify. Those words…
I stared at the blank screen for a good five minutes before setting the timer for 5 minutes of writing. On the blank screen in my head, all sorts of…
Two of my favorite smells are purple. 1. The lilacs from my family’s tree-sized shrub, lilacs that I gathered by the armful, hacking away at woody stems to harvest the smell…